Artificial Intelligence for Medicine

Atapir designs cost-effective medical devices which prioritize patient safety and streamline patient care.

2024 – The Year in Review

Ongoing development: Atapir has completed three clinical trials — A study in 30 volunteers testing the SpO2 algorithm; a 77 patient study testing the pain monitoring system; and a 130 patient study testing the pain, heart rate, respiratory rate, SpO2, and blood pressure algorithms. Initial results are promising. Results of our pain monitoring study were accepted for publication in the journal Anesthesiology.

Regulatory: Atapir submitted an FDA presubmission application in December for the version 1 system to monitor heart rate, respiratory rate, pain, and fall risk.

Intellectual Property: We continue build and protect our IP.

Atapir wins award: Atapir’s non-contact vital signs monitoring technology garnered significant attention at the recent American Society of Anesthesia (ASA) Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.

New team member: John Almon has joined our team to focus on funding and business development. John has extensive experience in computer science with a focus on GPU programming as well as extensive experience in venture capital and corporate development.

Come meet with us at the JP Morgan Conference

Jan 13-16 in San Francisco

Send a note to to arrange a meeting

Wishing you all a healthy and prosperous 2025.

We look forward to staying in touch.